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Kingston Council Plan Removal Of Decayed Tree

Sad news today as Kingston Council have announced their plans to remove the decayed plane tree adjacent to the children’s playgound. The tree has provided important shade for children enjoying the park in sunny months.

The Council statement explains that removing the tree is part of vital health and safety works after surveying many trees within their open spaces. Extensive decay in the lower section of the tree creates a void making the tree unstable and unsafe. The tree will be removed on December 10th.

Friends of Kingtston Recreation Ground has let the Council know that a plaque was attached to the tree in memory of a lady who used to frequent the park and loved the tree.



About Us

The Friends Of Kingston Road Recreation Group, is a community group, established by local residents to help protect and improve Kingston Road Recreation Ground.

We involve everyone from the local community to come together to undertake projects to enable the park to fulfil its potential as a place to play, exercise, socialise, walk and enjoy nature. We're often seen picking litter, pruning and planting and have some exciting new initiatives planned for 2019.

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