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The Friends Of Kingston Recreation Ground are sociable types as their Friendly name would suggest. From time to time we like nothing more than to meet up in the park to get stuck into a bit of pruning here, a bit of planting there and a general sprucing up of the park  to make it a more enjoyable place for local residents to spend their time. Below are examples of the ways that we've been spending ours. Click on a picture to learn more.

About Us

The Friends Of Kingston Road Recreation Group, is a community group, established by local residents to help protect and improve Kingston Road Recreation Ground.


We involve everyone from the local community to come together to undertake projects to enable the park to fulfil its potential as a place to play, exercise, socialise, walk and enjoy nature. We're often seen picking litter, pruning and planting and have some exciting new initiatives planned for 2019.


Drop us a note or click to on our Events list to see the next time we're out and about.

Please do come and join us!


Tweet us @fkrrg

© 2018-19 Friends of Kingston Road Recreation Ground

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