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In September 2018 Kingston Environment Centre came to help us plan and plant a wildlife meadow in the south west corner of the park. The wildflower planting took two forms, in one area the turf was removed and the soil dug over to create a fertile environment for roots to become established. In the other area a circle of wild grass was mown and scarified  to allow new plants to take root protected in part by the remaining  established plants. Many species of wildflower seeds were donated by the Environment Centre and included  cowslip, dog rose, celandines, daisies, wild garlic and red campion. 


There was even time for a full litter pick. We were very lucky with the weather and all the volunteers brought their contributions for a picnic for the hard workers. The fruits of our labours should begin to show next summer time.


If you would like to get involved in similar projects within Kingston Recreation Ground or learn more about the Wildflower planting project, click on the link below.


About Us

The Friends Of Kingston Road Recreation Group, is a community group, established by local residents to help protect and improve Kingston Road Recreation Ground.


We involve everyone from the local community to come together to undertake projects to enable the park to fulfil its potential as a place to play, exercise, socialise, walk and enjoy nature. We're often seen picking litter, pruning and planting and have some exciting new initiatives planned for 2019.


Drop us a note or click to on our Events list to see the next time we're out and about.

Please do come and join us!


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© 2018-19 Friends of Kingston Road Recreation Ground

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